Intergenerational Storytelling Workshops


Intergenerational Storytelling Workshops
Heights and Hills Park Slope Center for Successful Aging
Thursday, June 29, 1:00-2:30pm – Story Circle Workshop
Thursday, July 6, 1:00-2:30pm – Interviewing Workshop

Stoop Stories and the Five Boro Story Project invite you to join us for two intergenerational storytelling workshops!

Older adults (60+) and youth (15-20) will participate in two in-person workshops on June 29 and July 6. We ask that you attend both workshops and consent to being filmed. Some workshop participants will be filmed in a short documentary film this summer through fall. Please contact us if you plan to attend.

Intergenerational Story Circle 
Thurs June 29, 1 – 2:30pm
Heights & Hill’s Center for Successful Aging in Park Slope
463A 7th Street (just off 7th Avenue)
Refreshments will be served

Join us for a story circle that brings older adults and youth together to share their life stories and listen to one another. We will respond to prompts about our childhood memories, changes in our neighborhoods, safety in our communities, and of course stoops! We will then facilitate a discussion reflecting on the stories participants told, identifying connections across generations.

Intergenerational Interviewing
Thurs July 6, 1 – 2:30pm
Heights & Hill’s Center for Successful Aging in Park Slope
463A 7th Street (just off 7th Avenue)
Refreshments will be served

This workshop will offer a quick training in oral history interviewing methods, and pair elders and youth to interview each other. Some participants will be invited to record a short documentary video pilot with Stoop Stories later this year, which will include a chat between a young storyteller and an elder who connected during the workshops.

Stay tuned for information about the documentary screening!

View photos from the Intergenerational Storytelling Workshops HERE.
