34th Avenue Oral History Launch Celebration
Sunday, July 11, 4:00 – 5:30pm
34th Avenue between 93rd & 94th Street, Jackson Heights
Sunday, July 11, 4:00 – 5:30pm
34th Avenue between 93rd & 94th Street, Jackson Heights
Stretching 1.3 miles through Jackson Heights, the 34th Avenue Open Street closes to vehicular traffic each morning and allows local residents to jog, stroll, ride bikes, and socialize while maintaining physical distance, without fear of cars.
The 34th Avenue Oral History project is documenting the story of this remarkable street as it unfolds. The project website, with profiles of people who are reshaping their lives around the Open Street, is launching on Sunday, July 11th!
Join us for a free, outdoor community event celebrating the launch, featuring storytelling and dance performances by project participants.
Manuela Agudelo – Dancer, choreographer, and community organizer who advocates for black and brown liberation, and roller skates on 34th Avenue as a healing mental health ritual
Jim Burke – safe streets activist and Co-Founder of the 34th Avenue Open Streets Coalition, who organizes volunteers and community programs on 34th Avenue
Erick Modesto – Dancer, pastry chef, and Director of Ballet Folklorico Nueva Juventud, who holds dance rehearsals on 34th Avenue
This project is supported by a Public Humanities Grant from Humanities New York and The Laundromat Project‘s Creative Action Fund.
Read profiles of Jim, Erick and other narrators HERE.
View photos from the 34th Avenue Oral History Launch Celebration HERE.