La Isla Bonita 2018


“Staten Island Love Letter” at La Isla Bonita Summer Festival
Saturday, July 21, 4:00-7:00pm
Corporal Thompson Park, Broadway Ave & Henderson Ave

In association with La Isla Bonita Summer Festival, Las Cafeteras, M.A.K.U. SoundSystem, and iBomba (DJ Ushka & DJ Beto) will guide audiences on a rhythmic journey ranging from beat music to future dancehall, breaking down borders.

Throughout the festival our Staten Island Love Letter station will provide a space to express your love, pride, concerns and hopes for Staten Island and add it to a borough map.

Pre Show at 4pm:
* Voices of A People’s History Workshop by Lemon Andersen
* The Big Good Wolf performance from the CityParks PuppetMobile
* Public art display and mariposas amarillas by Lina Montoya of LMProject


DIRECTIONS: Corporal Thompson Park is bordered by Broadway Ave, Henderson Ave, and Chapell Street, and is accessible by the S46, S96, S40, and S44 buses.
